Family Portrait
This portrait of the entire Kelsey family was taken in 1913 at the original homestead near Landsdowne Ontario. Bill is the youngest in the image.
This image was particularly challenging to restore as it had a lot of marks and scratches, but I think it turned out pretty good.
Click on the picture to download a high resolution TIF (6 Meg)
Back Row : Gordon, Herbert, Gertrude, Emma, Annas
Front Row : Stewart, Lillian, Willard (with his hand on his fathers knee), James, Gramma Taylor, Marion, Stanley, Kenneth
Posted by: Ron Warris | 11-27-2005 | 06:11 PM
Posted in: Family
Hello, I was just browsing through and found your web site very interesting, as you can see my name is Kelsey we hail from Newfoundland, but my grandfather came over from England after the first world war and stayed, not many Kelseys around this way and it’s nice to see other family names as ours, great site take care and all the best.
peter kelsey
Hi Ron:
I was told about your site by uncle Willard’s son Bill. Bill was down to my place for a visit last fall. We met for the first time and had a great time for two or three weeks. I was in the middle of a construction job at home so we were not able to go to many Kelsey homes but did manage to visit with Lorna Warren, and Bill met up with a friend from his childhood in Smiths Falls.
I only met uncle Willard a couple of times in his lifetime but this site sure tells me a lot about who he was.
Great job.
Hi Ron,
It has been some time since I visited your website. I still find it very interesting even thou I didn’t know uncle Willard well. I did notice one error in the names of the family. My father was Stanley and he is 2nd from the right . Ken is on the right and Lilian (spelling) is James’ wife. I have not been in contact with cousin Bill for a long time and suspect he is not well or has passed away. Do you know of his situation?