About This Blog

My name is Ron Warris and I am Bill Kelsey’s grandson. (One of four)

I started this blog so that I could permanently record and share the life history of W.C. Kelsey, including his family background, inventions, business endeavors and life projects. I am posting material in no particular order and expect that this project will take me several years to complete. Eventually I hope to have my grandfather’s entire life history (as best as I can re-construct it with the help of other family members) chronicaled, preserved and available on the Internet for family and friends to enjoy.

I have a fair sized collection of images and video, but there remains a lot of gaps in what I do have. I am also recalling a lot of things from memory and will probably get a lot of details wrong, or miss key things, so anyone is most welcome to post comments and contribute material that they may have. I can be best reached by email at ron@warris.com.

If you would like to participate in posting complete entries to this blog (as opposed to just commenting on the entries I post), please let me know as I can setup posting accounts that will allow others to participate in creating this blog.

– Ron Warris

Posted by: Ron Warris | 12-04-2005 | 12:12 AM


  1. I believe the photo you have of a “gun
    carrier” is in fact a “limber”. It was hauled between the field artillery tractor (FAT) and the field gun, the famous 25 pounder. It was used primarialy to carry ammunition so the gun could go into action quickly without waiting for an ammunition delivery.

    Comment by Don Hyndman — March 11, 2006 @ 2:03 pm
  2. Interesting… Although I am not surprised.

    My grandfather was not one to use the correct name for anything. For example, while growing up with him he often called that green pot scrubbing sponge stuff “emery cloth”. He did that because we used it to clean copper pipe prior to soldering. (Does a great job by the way.)

    It was not until I was in high school shop class that I discovered what emery cloth really was after arguing with the instructor for several minutes that the stuff he was using was not emery cloth at all but ‘metal sandpaper’, which is what my grandfather called emery cloth.

    Took me (and my brothers) many years to learn the correct names for a lot of the tools that we learned to use with my grandfather. My brothers and I still call some tools by the name we learned from my grandfather — which to our amusement confuses the heck out of people we work with. One thing for sure, my grandfather’s unique nomenclature for tools did not prevent him from knowing how to use them!

    I will correct the ‘gun carrier’ post to explain what this really was. Thanks for the post and letting me know! It is great to finally know what this really was and the small but important role it played in World War II.

    Comment by Ron Warris — March 13, 2006 @ 12:48 pm
  3. I have set up the following web site ::::
    Fredericksburg (Delhi), Ontario – Noteable Citizens
    I would be more than happy to place an entry in the site regarding your grandfather or a web address that will take a person directly into your opening page. Thanks in advance Jim Evans
    P.S. Yes I know “Notable” is the correct spelling.

    Comment by James Evans — January 6, 2018 @ 9:53 am

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