Deltasia Park Video

In the 60’s Bill bought a 16mm Bolex movie camera. (An actual 16mm camera. Not the 8mm that were very popular during the 60’s.) It was a wind up camera – no batteries required, and had no sound. It used 100 ft rolls of film that were pretty expensive to get processed, so the sequences that he did shoot tended to be pretty brief. He never used a tripod, so the video is also a bit shaky. I believe that my brother Scott has the movie camera in his camera collection. Perhaps he will dig up a bit more information about it and post it here.

Click on the picture to watch the video (25 Meg)
Deltasia Park Video

The film was transferred to video tape about 12 years ago by Scott and I just recently converted the tapes to a digital format. I was able to clean up the images somewhat and will be posting short clips starting with this one.

At the time that Scott transferred the 16mm film to tape he dubbed them with some music and let grandpa narrate them. Bill would of been in his late 70’s at the time and I think some of his recollections are not completely accurate, but sure is nice to be able to hear his voice.

This clip is made up of all the segments that Bill shot of Deltasia Park – circa 1962. Keep in mind that home movie technology at that time was not like today’s video movie cameras so the video clips are a bit ‘rough’. That, coupled with the fact that the film was nearly 40 years old when it was transferred to video tape and then another 12 years passed before the video tape was converted to digital video, and it is a wonder that we are able to watch these movies at all!

Posted by: Ron Warris | 01-14-2006 | 11:01 PM
Posted in: Deltasia Park | Latest Posts | Unsorted | Videos | Comments (1)

The First Tying Machine

This is a short video showing the first tying machine in use on a farm in southwestern Ontario. In 1962 Bill solved the problem of how to mechanize the sewing of tobacco leaves onto sticks that were then hung in kilns to be cured. Prior to then a number of people tried to come up with an automatic tying machine but it was not until Bill came along that a practical solution was found and perfected.

Thousands of these machines were manufactured and sold between 1962 and the late 1980’s. More background information about the Tobacco Tying Machine can be found here.

Click on the picture to start the Video (1 minute long)
The First Tobacco Tying Machine

Posted by: Ron Warris | 11-26-2005 | 06:11 PM
Posted in: Videos | Comments Off on The First Tying Machine